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Kruimink, Frederik Everhardus

Date of birth:
November 12th, 1917 (Oss, the Netherlands)
Date of death:
August 7th, 2008


Frederik Kruimink was imprisoned in Colditz and finally managed to escape from the POW-camp in Stanislau, Poland.

1st April 1940: Luitenant-ter-zee der derde klasse
1st December 1944: Luitenant-ter-zee der tweede klasse
1st November1950: Luitenant-ter-zee der eerste klasse
1st September 1959: Kapitein-luitenant-ter-zee
1st July 1965: Kapitein-ter-zee
1st May 1970: Schout-bij-nacht
1st May 1972: Viceadmiraal
1st January 1973: retired

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Second World War (1939-1945)
Luitenant-ter-zee der tweede klasse
Awarded on:
June 2nd, 1945
"The acting in great bravery, initiatif and perseverence by, being interned in several enemy POW camps, the escape from them preparing accurately and after several attempts finally succeeding to escape and after many difficulties having encounterd being able to reach England."

Royal Decree No. 14 dated 2nd June 1945.
Later revoced for the Bronze Lion.
Bronzen Kruis (BK)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Luitenant-ter-zee der eerste klasse
Awarded on:
September 10th, 1951

Royal Decree No. 25 dated 10th September 1951.
In stead of the first received Bronzen Kruis.
Bronzen Leeuw (BL)


  • Photo 1: Pauline van Till
  • - "Brons", Nr 61, 17e Jaargang, uitgave van de Vereniging Dragers Bronzen Leeuw en Bronzen Kruis, 2007
    - The Dutch Medals Page