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Gisborne, Francis H.



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Second World War (1939-1945)
I&R Platoon, Headquarters Company, 135th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division "Red Bull", U.S. Army (I&R Platoon, Headquarters Company, 135th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division "Red Bull", U.S. Army)
Francis H. Gisborne, 39321777, Private, Headquarters Company, 135th Infantry Regiment. For extraordinary heroism in action on 8 February 1944 in the vicinity of Cassino, Italy. Pvt. Francis H. Gisborne of his own initiative three times left his position of cover and exposed himself to intense enemy fire to silence an enemy machine gun and kill 2 snipers. In the face of a severe enemy-counter-attack, Pvt. Gisborne with utter disregard for his own safety bravely advanced to within 30 feet of the enemy, stood up in full view of them, and killed four and wounded another to completely disrupt the attacking enemy forces and alone repel their assault. Though himself wounded, Pvt. Gisborne voluntarily chose to remain with his hard pressed comrades. He directed the fire of a BAR team in repelling numerous enemy counter-attacks until he and the 7 other heroic survivors of an original force of 41 men were finally relieved. Pvt. Gisborne’s extraordinary heroism and his tenaciousness in the face of great odds reflect the greatest credit upon himself and our Armed Forces.

Headquarters, Fifth U.S. Army, General Orders No. 149 (1944).
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)


  • - Ankrum, H.R., Dogfaces Who Smiled Through Tears – The 34th Red Bull Infantry Division and attached 100th (Hawaiian) Battalion and 442nd “Go for Broke” Regimental Combat Team in World War II 1941-1945, Graphic Publishing Company, Lake Mills, Iowa, USA, 1987
    - 34th Infantry Division Association
