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Parker, Horace Basil



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Second World War (1939-1945)
5th Armoured Regiment (8th Princess Louise's (New Brunswick) Hussars), 5th Canadian Armoured Brigade, 5th Canadian (Armoured) Division, Canadian Army
On 16 April 1945 during the action North of Arnhem Trooper Parker was driver in charge of the medical carrier moving immediately behind the leading squadron of tanks. This squadron ran into heavy opposition and suffered a large number of casualties. This fact was reported back by wireless together with the information that due to extremely heavy enemy fire it would not be possible to attempt any evacuation of casualties until the opposition had lessened. In spite of this Trooper Parker immediately went forward in his carrier under heavy machine-gun, riffle and mortar fire and picked up the casualties from the leading tanks.
He dragged and carried the wounded men to a covered spot behind a bank and there administered first aid. Loading them on his carrier he evacuated them to the Regimental Aid Post. On learning at the Regimental Aid Post the only route back to the field ambulance had been cut by the enemy, Trooper Parker immediately volunteered to attempt to get the wounded men back to a hospital installation. On the road back Trooper Parker was halted by an enemy patrol in charge of an officer who ordered him to turn left at the next road intersection and to deliver himself and his charge to an officer at a certain house held by the enemy.
Disobeying these instruction, and in spite of the fact that he was covered by enemy guns, Trooper Parker drove his carrier headlong down the road past the intersection. He was machine-gunned while doing so but escaped unhurt and delivered his casualties to the nearest Canadian medical unit.
Throughout this action Trooper Parker displayed great charge, resource and initiative and his brave conduct and devotion to duty have earned him the admiration and respect of the whole unit.
Military Medal (MM)

