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Robitaille, Guy

Date of birth:
October 2nd, 1920 (Lauzon-Lévis/Québec, Canada)


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Second World War (1939-1945)
No.9 Platoon, "A" Company, Royal 22e Régiment "The Van Doos", 3rd Canadian Infantry Brigade, 1st Canadian Infantry Division, Canadian Army
For bravery, courage and leadership in the face of the enemy on the 28 July 1943 at Santa Maria, Sicily. This officer commanded No.9 Platoon in the daylight attack on point 246 near Santa Maria and whilst advancing on the enemy position was wounded in the thigh.
He continued forward up the sheer, bare slope with his men, and was hit again by shrapnel in the right arm. This did not stop him, however, from continuing to lead his platoon.
Just before reaching the summit he was again wounded, this time in the chest, and was unable to continue further, but in spite of three serious wounds he continued to direct his men and encouraged them. After finding but that the attack was successful he insisted that the wounded nearby get medical attention before him.
Military Cross (MC)

