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Lairmore, Glenn E.



Servicenumber 01291289.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
1st Lieutenant
Far East Air Forces
Awarded on:
July 30th, 1945
"For extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight over Clark Field, Luzon, Philippine Islands, on 16 January 1945. Lieutenant Lairmore, leading the second element of a 4-plane flight of P-51 aircraft on a bombing and strafing mission, sighted 4 Japanese fighter planes lined up for a take-off from enemy-held Clark Field. He made a bombing run at 1500 feet over the enemy fighters and scored a direct hit which set fire to 2 of the planes. The fire spread to the other 2 planes and they exploded. While making another run to photograph the burning planes, Lieutenant Lairmore saw an enemy fighter in a well camouflaged revetment and, making 2 strafing passes, he set in on fire. Before leaving the area he strafed an operations shack and a bomb dump. Finding no other targets, he flew to another strip where he strafed heavy anti-aircraft positions and destroyed 2 more aircraft on the ground. The outstanding courage and devotion to duty displayed by Lieutenant Lairmore during this flight are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Army Air Forces."
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)


  • - General Orders No. 1704, Headquarters Far East Air Forces, 30 July 1945
