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Buchanan, Norman Bruce

Date of birth:
September 16th, 1915 (St. Stephen/New Brunswick, Canada)
Date of death:
June 27th, 2008


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Acting Major
The Royal Canadian Artillery
Awarded on:
December 9th, 1943
"During the night of February 23, 1943, He continually tried to rally the infantry who came streaming back through the battery position. He himself picketed the heights and took out patrols. He brought in one 6-pr Anti-tank Gun and rallied some A/Tk Gunners to man it. Throughout the next day, he manned a local OP firing the guns and shouting encouragement. When he could not knock out an Enemy OP with guns, he tried sniping them himself from his position. His example throughout was a source of inspiration to all his men."
Military Cross (MC)
Second World War (1939-1945)
The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Awarded on:
March 6th, 1944
Military Cross (MC)
"At about 1000 hours on 7 October 1943, Captain Buchanan, Troop Commander "F" Troop, 1Fd Regt RCHA, was Forward Observation Officer with the Carleton and York Regiment for the attack of the GAMBATESA feature (772232 162 GAMBATESA). Due to the nature of the terrain, it was necessary for Captain Buchanan to go forward on foot carrying an 18 set. As the leading platoon of the forward company, with which Captain Buchanan was working, approached a crest near the top of the feature, they came under heavy machine gun fire from enemy tanks in hull down positions, and the leading members of the platoon were hit. Captain Buchanan maintained communication with his battery all during the period thus providing continuous artillery fire in support of the leading troops. It was greatly due to the coolness, courage, and resourcefulness of Captain Buchanan that the leading platoon was able to hold the ground, and evacuate their wounded personnel."

Second MC awarded as a bar for on the ribbon of the first MC.
Second World War (1939-1945)
The Royal Canadian Artillery
Awarded on:
August 19th, 1944
Military Cross (MC)
"This Officer landed with reserve coy of the QOR of C as a FOO. During the confused fighting north of ST BERNIERES, his coolness under fire was an example to all. When another FOO was hit by Machine Gun Fire, Capt Buchanan collected a stretcher and OR and helped to carry him to safety. He moved with the SD and G Highrs of 9 Cdn Inf Bde on D plus 1 and occupied an advanced OP at Les Boissons; he remained in this OP continually for three days. During this period the position was attacked several times. During these attacks, Capt Buchanan not only effectively engaged the enemy with artillery fire, but he directed and organized the small heavy fire and his coolness and personality did a great deal towards steadying the ranks in the forward position. As other OP officers and the FOB came forward he directed their movement and ensured their safety. When 12 German tanks were sighted, he obtained a troop of Mediumss and ranged them on the target before the Medium OP arrived. The OP was finally sighted by a German tank and the Medium Officer killed by a direct hit. Capt Buchanan then directed the evacuation of the OP and occupied another a few yards to the flank. When finally received, all ranks in the forward position expressed their regrets at seeing him go. During these four days, Capt Buchanan's coolness, drive and utter disrespect for his own safety was an example to all and this, together with the effective artillery fire he brought to bear, was a major factor in holding the position."

Third MC awarded as second bar for on the ribbon of the first MC.


  • - Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36278 published on the 7 December 1943
    - Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36426 published on the 14 March 1944
    - Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36679 published on the 29 August 1944
