Albert Martin was born on February 13th, 1911 as the son to Nicolas Martin and Marie Magdeleine Bregere (Breger ?).
April 15th, 1932: 4ème Régiment d’Infanterie;
September 2nd, 1939: 2ème Bataillon, 89ème Régiment d’Infanterie;
June 6th, 1940: POW at Estrees-sur-Noyes;
?: Stalag VIIIC, Sagan;
?: Stalag VIIIA; Gorlitz;
April 16th, 1942 - April 20th, 1942: Prison Francfort;
April 20th, 1942 - May 8th, 1942: Stalag XIIA;
May 15th, 1942 - December 15th, 1941: Stalag 325, Rawa-Ruska;
December 15th, 1942: Stalag IID, Stargard;
April 21st, 1943: demobilized at Limoges.
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