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Smith, Ralph Beaumont

Date of birth:
July 25th, 1918 (Huddersfield/Yorkshire, Great Britain)
Date of death:
February 2nd, 1994 (Beckenham/Kent, Great Britain)
Service number:


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Temporary Captain
Royal Army Service Corps (Huddersfieid)
Awarded on:
December 21st, 1944
"On the 27th March 1944, a Jeep Platoon of 40 jeeps and trailers formed from 80 personnel drawn from all four companies of 78 Divisional RASC commenced deliveries of ammunition, supplies, and water to divisional units in the CASSINO – Villa Road, Cairo area. From the commencement of operations, and in order to mitigate to the full the inexperience on the part of the personnel of this type of operation Capt. Smith personally lead the greater majority of the details, and supervised the correct and expeditious deliveries of loads to units. Recovery work soon raised a problem since neither RASC or REME recovery vehicles could operate in parts of the area. Capt. Smith tackled this himself, and sometimes for the second time in the same night returned to the “circuit” and carried out recoveries, in the dark, without lights, with improvised equipment and with the aid of volunteer drivers whom he eventually trained for this work. Few nights passed without the “circuit” receiving in varying degrees, enemy shells and mortars, and on the 18th of April the location of the Platoon was shelled. Although badly shaken by blast during the subsequent shelling he personally supervised the evacuation of his wounded and then organized that night’s details. Throughout all this, for the month the Platoon was operating, Capt. Smith’s ceaselessness devotion to duty, disregard for personal safety, his coolness, leadership and example enabled all of this to be done, and made the operation of the Jeep Platoon the signal success that it was."
Military Cross (MC)


  • - Second Supplement to The London Gazette Issue 36850 published on the 19 December 1944
    - Unit Histories
