- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Acting Major-General
- Unit:
- Movements & Transportation Branch, G-4 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), Allied Forces
- Awarded on:
- August 2nd, 1945
- Awarded for:
- Operation Overlord
"This officer has been Chief of the Movements & Transportation Branch of G-4, SHAEF since early 1944 and before that time was largely responsible for coordinating, for the COSSAC Staff, the planning of shipping, movement and transportation.
His highly specialised knowledge, indomitable energy, foresight and brilliant planning contributed largely to the success of the OVERLORD operation.
During the process of the operation in N.W. Europe his experience in all movement problems, his extensive knowledge of the Continental railway systems, obtained by years of personal study, have enabled him to contribute in an outstanding manner to the success of the operation.
The work of co-ordination in transportation matters of all types has been an intricate and arduous task involving many Governments, the British, U.S. and French Armies and other agencies. Gen. NAPIER has been conspicuously successful in his responsible task and has earned the admiration and appreciation of all with whom he comes in contact."