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Roe, Victor Arthur

Date of birth:
1923 (Norwich/Norfolk, Great Britain)
Date of death:
March 6th, 1945
Buried on:
Air Forces Memorial Runnymede
Service number:


Victor Roe was also recommended for a Croix de Guerre (French) but this was apparantly not awarded. The recommendation reads as follows:
"Warrant Officer Roe is an Air Gunner with a record of outstanding achievement. His determination in attacking enemy installations has been exemplary and by his example of enthusiasm he has inspired his fellow gunners. A large number of the bombing operations in which he took part were connected with the liberation of France."

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Second World War (1939-1945)
No. 35 (Madras Presidency) Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
June 13th, 1944
"One night in May, 1944, this airman was the rear gunner of an aircraft detailed to attack an enemy target. During the operation a fighter was encountered which attacked with much persistence. The rear turret was struck by the enemy's bullets and rendered unservicable. As a result Sergeant Roe was covered with oil. Nevertheless, he coolly fought off the attacker which finally caught fire. This airman is a fearless and devoted member of aircraft crew, and he has rendered valuable service."
Distinguished Flying Medal (DFM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Acting Warrant Officer
No. 35 (Madras Presidency) Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
April 13th, 1945
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM)
"Since the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal, Warrant Officer Roe has participated in a further large number of operational sorties. He has proved himself to be a most enthusiastic and skilful air gunner, and has continued to operate with undiminished determination and courage. By his magnificent record of achievement and unfailing devotion to duty, this gallant Warrant Officer has set a sterling example to all air gunners."

His CGM award was for a massive 85 operations, his fourth tour of operations.

