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Rowland, Thomas Wilson

Date of birth:
July 1st, 1912 (Chelford, United Kingdom)
Date of death:
January 14th, 1944
Mentioned on:
Air Forces Memorial Runnymede
Service number:


Flight Lieutenant Thomas Rowland flew 29 operational sorties with No. 101 Squadron, Royal Air Force.
On the 14/15.1.1944 Rowland piloted Lancaster III LM367 SR-C for a sortie to Braunschweig. Outbound the aircraft was shot down by a night-fighter, crashing into (or near) a slate quarry at Lautenthal, 10km SW of Goslar.
The crew of eight (including the specialist operator) were all killed. Rowland is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Flight Lieutenant
No. 101 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
February 11th, 1944
"Flight Lieutenant Rowland has completed 24 very successful sorties with this Squadron on Lancaster aircraft. They have covered a wide variety of targets including 4 attacks on Berlin.
This officer possesses coolness and always displays exceptional fearlessness in the face of danger, while his complete confidence in his aircraft and crew are an inspiration to all concerned.
At all times cheerful and disdainful of all forms of enemy opposition he carried out his attacks with a tenacity of purpose worthy of high praise.
It is recommended that this officer's fine record be recognised by an award of the D.F.C."

Remarks By Station Commander:
"Flight Lieutenant Rowland, throughout his first operational tour has displayed a keeness and determination to complete his allotted tasks which are worthy of high praise. His consistency and reliability has been equalled only by his skilful airmanship and have set a magnificent example not only to his crew who hold him in high esteem but indeed to the whole Squadron.

I regard the fine record achieved by Flight Lieutenant Rowland which has included sorties to many heavily defended targets in Germany is deserving of recognition by the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross."
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC)
Second World War (1939-1945)

With "AIR CREW EUROPE" clasp.
Atlantic Star


  • Photo 1: Tony Rowland
  • - JB Military Antiques
