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Corbin, Harold Arthur

Date of birth:
November 14th, 1923 (Brighton/East Sussex, United Kingdom)
Date of death:
April 8th, 2017
Service number:
1295151 (NCO)/186731 (Officer)


? Warrant Officer
22 September, 1944: Pilot Officer on Probation (emergency)
22 March, 1945: Flying Officer (war sub)
May 1956 demobilised

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Warrant Officer
No. 248 Squadron, Royal Air Force
Awarded on:
October 17th, 1944
The Recommendation (drafted dated 24.8.1944):
"Warrant Officer Corbin has carried out 25 operational sorties since joining this Squadron including six shipping strikes against enemy shipping. He has always been eager to engage the enemy, and has displayed outstanding courage, skill and determination in carrying out his attacks. In spite of three very trying experiences his confidence and determination remain unshaken. On the 29th, June, 1944, he took part in a shipping strike near Ille de Groix and although his aircraft was hit in the port wing, he brought it safely back to base. On the 30th, June, 1944 he took part in a shipping strike at Concarneau and damaged an "M" Class Minesweeper. His aircraft was severely damaged and it became necessary to feather one engine. He brought the aircraft safely back to base and made an excellent landing. On 27th, July, 1944, W/O. Corbin was flying one of eight aircraft detailed to carry out a shipping reconnaissance of the French Coast. A convoy of eight escort vessels was sighted off the mouth of the Loire, and the order was given to attack. During the attack his aircraft was hit in the starboard engine and nacelle, the starboard side of the cockpit, and starboard radiator, the starboard wheel, the petrol cooler and all starboard tanks. W/O. Corbin immediately feathered the starboard airscrew and flew the aircraft back to base, where he made a skilful landing on one engine and with one wheel punctured. Again on the 14th, August, 1944, he took part in a shipping strike in the Gironde. In spite of heavy anti-aircraft fire from both ships and land batteries he attacked and damaged a Seetier Destroyer. His aircraft was hit in both outer tanks by heavy flak. The port inner tank was pierced and all the fuel lost. One shell entered through the floor of the fuselage and wrecked the I.F.F. and Gee. The port engine was severely damaged and the starboard engine also hit. The port engine had to be feathered immediately. Warrant Officer Corbin set course for Vannes airfield with fuel streaming from his tanks, without any means of ´homing´ with the port engine completely useless and the starboard engine damaged. To add to his many difficulties, the batteries at Ille de Re opened fire with heavy and accurate flak. When he crossed the coast near Vannes it was too dark for him to be able to locate the airfield which in any case has no flying facilities. He then flew overland and climbed slowly to 4,000 feet. He gave the order to abandon aircraft by parachute at this height and jumped after his Observer was clear. Both made successful landings, and after spending the night under a hedge, contacted the American Forces who arranged transport back to this country. Warrant Officer Corbin has not only acted with determination and courage, but he has also shown amazing skill in flying such badly damaged aircraft on three different occasions. I cannot too strongly recommend this Warrant Officer for the immediate award of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.´ Station Commander´s Remarks: ´Warrant Officer Corbin has shown great skill and tenacity in the face of heavy enemy opposition, and I consider this recommendation well deserved. Air Officer Commanding´s Remarks: ´W/O. Corbin has displayed tenacity, courage and determination second to none. On four separate occasions he has pressed home his attack so closely that his aircraft has come back in a crippled state, needing great skill and airmanship to make a safe return. For these very gallant efforts I strongly recommend him for an immediate award of the C.G.M.´

Medal presented by King George VI at Buckingham Palace on February 20, 1946.
 Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CMG - Flying)
Second World War (1939-1945)

Atlantic Star

