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Bobula, Adam



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Second World War (1939-1945)
Porucznik (1st Lieutenant)
9th Polish Rifle Battalion, 3rd Polish Infantry Brigade, 1st Polish Armoured Division, Polish Armed Forces in the West
On 19th April 1945, Lt Bobula was sent to contact a company which was heavily engaged in fighting for a crossing of the Kűsten canal near Dörpen (MR 745876). When he succeeded in reaching the company, he found that the commander had been seriously wounded and one of his officers killed. Realising that conditions were becoming critical, he took command of the company himself and at the head of the leading platoon crossed the river under heavy artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire and with his ranks much depleted, as a result of bitter counter-attacks by the enemy, eventually established a bridge head on the far side. As a result, the remainder of the company was able to cross the canal.

During the whole of the action, Lt Bobula set a magnificent example to his men by his initiative, leadership and total disregard of danger to himself and showed bravery of a very high order under most difficult conditions.

Recommended on 28th June 1945 by Maj Gen Rudnicki, GOC 1 Polish Armd Div.
Military Cross (MC)

