Wlodzimierz Mudry (Ukrainian: Володимир Мирослав Мудрий) was born into an ethnic Ukrainian family. The birth of Mudry is registered in the metric book of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Poles recorded their registration in the documents of the Polish Catholic Church.
His father – Mudry Elias, died before war. His mother – Horochiwski Eudoxia, died in 1962.
Wlodzimierz Mudry was a Warrant Officer/st. sierżant in the Polish Air Force/RAF during the Second World War.
Military career:
September 1936: Enlisted in the Polish Air Force and commenced flying training at the flying school in Krakow.
August 1937: Fighter School at Grudziadz, graduating in November 1937.
December 1937 - September 1939: 2nd Krakow Air Regiment
June 1st, 1940: Polish Wing at 3 School of Technical Trainin
August 12th, 1940: No. 1 School of Army Co-operation
August 19th, 1940: 5 OTU Aston Down
September 11th, 1940: 79 Squadron
December 1st, 1940: 87 Squadron
December 20th, 1940: 79 Squadron
February 23rd, 1941: 316 Squadron
March 4th, 1942: 286 Squadron
July/August 1942: 10 FIS Woodley
1942: Air Crew Disposal Wing
Until March 1944: 286 Squadron
1944: 285 Squadron
June 24th, 1944: 16 Polish FTS Newton
May 1945: No.1 Beam Approach School
January 1946: Released from the RAF.
He re-joined the RAF in 1948 as an instructor and qualified as a Master Pilot on 1st August that year. He retired on 29th April 1967 as a Flight Lieutenant and died in 1988.
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