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Wier, van, Johan

Date of birth:
October 6th, 1913 (Harlingen, the Netherlands)
Date of death:
November 13th, 1942 (Mediterranean)
Service number:
11345 (Koninklinke Marine)


April 25th, 1930: Lichtmatroos;
April 1th, 1931: Matroos 3e klasse;
November 1th, 1931: Matroos 2e klasse;
October 1th, 1933: Matroos 1e klasse;
October 1th, 1933: Matroos 1e Konstabel;
January 1th, 1936: Korporaal Konstabel;
May 1th, 1941: Sergeant Konstabel.

April 15th, 1930: Kazerne Vlissingen;
May 1st, 1931: Hr. Ms. Gelderland;
July 24th, 1931: Hr. Ms. Gruno;
October 31st, 1931: Hr. Ms. Douwe Aukes;
March 14th,1932: opleiding kanonnier Hr. Ms. Gelderland;
October 15th, 1932: opleiding Korporaal Konstabel;
October 21st, 1933: Hr. Ms. Hertog Hendrik;
July 11th, 1934: naar Nederlands-Oost-Indiƫ, m.s. Sibajak;
October 21st, 1936: Hr. Ms. Douwe Aukes;
November 13th, 1937: Kazerne Vlissingen;
April 28th, 1938: Hr. Ms. Java;
June 15th, 1938: Hr. Ms. Sumatra;
July 26th, 1938: Kazerne Vlissingen;
February 23rd, 1940: Hr. Ms. van Meerlant;
March 16th, 1941: Hr. Ms. Isaac Sweers.

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Second World War (1939-1945)
Segeant-Constabel (Sergeant)
Hr. Ms. Isaac Sweers (1940), Koninklijke Marine
Awarded with clasps "KRIJG TER ZEE 1940 - 1945" and "MIDDELLANDSE ZEE 1940 - 1945".

Awarded posthumously.
Oorlogsherinneringskruis (OHK)


  • Photo 1: Frits Versluijs
  • - Conduitestaat, Defensie Materieel Organisatie, Informatiebeheer, Ministerie van Defensie
