1939-40: Mobilised due to the intervention of his father in the Navy aboard the cruiser ''Tourville''
June 1940: Dissemination of tracts to resume the fightings but arrested
5th July 1940: Escaped
20th July 1940 Lieutenant in the 1st bataillon d''infanterie de marine, engaged in the 8th British Army.
1940-41: Engaged in Sidi-Barrani, Sollum, Bardia, Tobrouk, Benghazi, and El Agueila in Libya.
April 1941: Joins the 13th demi-brigade de Légion étrangère in Erythrea as a platoon leader in the 1st company,
4th June 1941: Condemned to death by the Vichy State and campaign in Syria, en Libya and Tunesia.
10th June 1942: Exfiltration of the Free French Forces in Bir Hakeim.
October 1942: His platoon is engaged as a feint in the fightings in El Alamein.
June 1943: Leaving the Legion, join the 1st régiment de fusiliers marins created by Hubert Amyot d''Inville in Casablanca.
1944: Commander of the 1st escadron in the 1st regiment of Fusiliers Marins (RFM).
25 April 1944: With his 1st escadron in Neaple - Italy.
5th May: Engaged in the offensive in Garigliano.
August 1944: the 1st RFM disembarked in Saint-Tropez.
23rd August 1944 fightings in Toulon.
3rd September: Rhöne Valley fightings and first to enter in Lyon. Elle
27th September 1944: Liberation of Clairegoutte with 260 German POW.
6th October 1944: Attack and seizure of Ronchamp near Belfort.
8th October 1944: Fierce fightings for Hill 820 near Servance.
20th November 1944: Seizure of Plancher-Bas - northward of Belfort
22nd November 1944: Seizure of Rougegoutte - northward of Belfort
23rd November 1944: Seizure of Rougemont-le-Château - northward of Belfort
March 1945: Retired from the front before the entry in Germany and redeployed in the Alps to fight in the Authion.
30th April 1945 : His death penalty is canceled.
May 1945: Most awarded Navy Officer
December 1945: Promoted capitaine de corvette
1947: Promoted capitaine de frégate
1948: Joins the RPF - political movement created by de Gaulle
1954: Joins an anthropological expedition in Ecuador - Cordillera of the Andes
June 1956: Joins the Army again
22nd July 1956: Promoted colonel and commander of a demi-brigade of the Air Force composed of reservist. disembarked in Algiers.
15th September: Creation of the Black Commando "Commandos Noirs"
April 1957: Resigned and published his testimony : Malaventure en Algérie; resumed his political activities.
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