On 28th March 1942 during the Commando Raid on St Nazaire, France. Lt Etches was assistant to Captain Montgomery, RE, in supervising the various demolition parties in the dry dock area. Lt Etches was severely wounded in the legs during the run in on board HMS Campbeltown, but in spite of this and though only just able to walk, he carried on to his objective and supervised the demolitions, only with drawing to the Old Mole when the whole of the demolition was complete.Subsequently, athough in great pain. Lt Etches fought with courage and determination in the street fighting in the town of St.Nazaire when the force was trying to breakout from the dock area. Although weak froim the loss of blood, and only able to drag himself along, he kept up with the others, scaling walls, breaking into houses and fighting on until finally captued when all ammunition had been expended. His courage and devotion to duty was an example to all who saw him, and his own personal bravery encouraged other wounded men to follow his indominitable example and continue with the fighting.