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Turner, Day G.

Date of birth:
September 2nd, 1921 (Berwick/Pennsylvania, United States)
Date of death:
February 8th, 1945 (Dahl, Luxembourg)
Buried on:
Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial
Plot: E. Row: 10. Grave: 72.
Service number:
33 611 056


Day G. Turner entered service on September 16th, 1943 at Nescopeck, Pennsylvania.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Company B, 1st Battalion, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army
Awarded on:
June 28th, 1945
"He commanded a 9-man squad with the mission of holding a critical flank position. When overwhelming numbers of the enemy attacked under cover of withering artillery, mortar, and rocket fire, he withdrew his squad into a nearby house, determined to defend it to the last man. The enemy attacked again and again and were repulsed with heavy losses. Supported by direct tank fire, they finally gained entrance, but the intrepid sergeant refused to surrender although 5 of his men were wounded and 1 was killed. He boldly flung a can of flaming oil at the first wave of attackers, dispersing them, and fought doggedly from room to room, closing with the enemy in fierce hand-to-hand encounters. He hurled handgrenade for handgrenade, bayoneted 2 fanatical Germans who rushed a doorway he was defending and fought on with the enemy's weapons when his own ammunition was expended. The savage fight raged for 4 hours, and finally, when only 3 men of the defending squad were left unwounded, the enemy surrendered. Twenty-five prisoners were taken, 11 enemy dead and a great number of wounded were counted. Sgt. Turner's valiant stand will live on as a constant inspiration to his comrades. His heroic, inspiring leadership, his determination and courageous devotion to duty exemplify the highest tradition of the military service."

General Orders No. 49 (28 June 1945).
Awarded posthumously.
Place and date action: At Dahl, Luxembourg, 8 January 1945.
Medal of Honor - Army (MoH)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Company B, 1st Battalion, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army

This award was obtained in the form of an Oak Leaf to be attached on the ribbon of the first award
Purple Heart
Second World War (1939-1945)
Staff Sergeant (Sergeant-Major)
Company B, 1st Battalion, 319th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division, U.S. Army

This award was obtained in the form of an second Oak Leaf to be attached on the ribbon of the first award.
Purple Heart
