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Stuckmann, Hermann

Date of birth:
January 2nd, 1921 (Barmen-Wuppertal/Westernphalia, Germany)
Date of death:
August 23rd, 1944 (Bay of Biscay (SW of La Rochelle), France)
Mentioned on:
German Submarines Memorial


September 16th, 1939: Seeoffiziersanwärter;
February 1st, 1940: Seekadet;
July 1st, 1940: Fähnrich zur See;
?: Oberfähnrich zur See;
March 1st, 1942: Leutnant zur See;
October 1st, 1943: Oberleutnant zur See.

September 16th, 1939: Grundausbildung, 2. Kompanie, 2. Schiff-Stamm-Abteilung;
November 30th, 1939: Bordausbildung, Linienschiff Schleswig-Holstein;
May 1st, 1940: Hauptlehrgang für Fähnriche, Marineschule Flensburg-Mürwik;
September 11th, 1940: Artillerieträger Memelland;
February 1st, 1941: Tender Saar;
April 7th, 1941: Torpedolehrgang für Fähnriche, Torpedoschule Flensburg-Mürwik;
December 19th, 1941: III. Wachoffizier, U 571;
?: II. Wachoffizier, U 571;
?: I. Wachoffizier, U 571;
May 12th, 1943: 2. U.A.A.;
May 17th, 1943: Kommandantenschiesslehrgang, 24. Unterseebootsflottille;
June 29th, 1943: Baubelehrung, U 316;
August 5th, 1943: Kommandant U 316;
May 5th, 1944: Kommandant U 621.

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Leutnant zur See (Sub-lieutenant)
Awarded on:
November 18th, 1942
Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Oberleutnant zur See
Kommandant, U 621, 2. Unterseebootsflottille, Kriegsmarine
Awarded on:
August 11th, 1944
Awarded for his operations against allied landing ships in the English channel following D-Day. Under very difficult circumstances he sank one ship (with 2938 GRT) and damaged two (with 11673 GRT).
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes
