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Cnossen, Feike

Date of birth:
August 6th, 1919 (Sloten/Frisia, the Nethelands)
Date of death:
April 26th, 1945 (Heemskerk, the Netherlands)
Buried on:
Dutch Wargraves Duinrust Beverwijk
Grave: 160.


On April 26th, 1945, the Dutch resistance planted a bomb at the Rijksweg in Heemskerk which detonated when a German patrol passed. The Germans immediately retaliated by firing on the houses nearby.
One of these houses was the home of the Cnossen family. Feike, his wife Margje and his father Pier, who lived with them, tried to fled the scene but were apprehended by the Germans.
They were executed on the spot at a side wall of their own house. They were buried at the Duinrust cemetery in Beverwijk.

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