Hans Schirmer was born on February 2nd, 1888 as the son to Wilhelm Hugo Schirmer and Clara Schirmer-von Bethe.
January 11th, 1908: Fahnenjunker;
April 12th, 1908: Fahnenjunker-Gefreiten;
June 10th, 1908: Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier;
October 18th, 1908: Fähnrich;
June 19th, 1909: Leutnant;
June 18th, 1915: Oberleutnant;
May 18th, 1918: Hauptmann;
April 1st, 1931: Major;
August 1st, 1934: Oberstleutnant;
January 18th, 1937: Oberst (RDA, January 1st, 1937);
December 17th, 1940: Generalmajor (RDA, January 1st, 1941);
December 18th, 1942: Generalleutnant (RDA; January 1st, 1943).
January 11th, 1908: 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
1909: Kompanieoffizier, 12. Kompanie, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
1911: Kompanieoffizier, 11. Kompanie, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
February 24th, 1912: Zugführer, MG Kompanie, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
September 21st, 1913: Adjutant, I. Bataillon, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
August 1914: Adjutant, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
March 17th, 1916: Stellvertretender Kompanieführer, 1. MG-Kompanie, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
April 18th, 1916: Kompanieführer, 1. MG-Kompanie, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
October 28th, 1916: MG-Offizier, Stab, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
April 17th, 1917: m.d.F.b., II. Bataillon, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
April 25th, 1917: MG-Offizier, 7. Reserve-Division;
1918; Reserve-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 7;
March 4th, 1918: Führer, I Bataillon, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
March 8th, 1918: Kompanieführer, 1. Kompanie, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
March 28th, 1918: Führer, II. Bataillon, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
April 23rd, 1918: Stab, 7. Reserve-Division;
May 27th, 1918: Führer, III. Bataillon, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
July 26th, 1918: Führer, I. Bataillon, Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
August 10th, 1918: 2. Generalstabsoffizier (Ia), Stab, 80. Reserve-Division;
December 30th, 1918: Kompanieführer, 2. MG-Kompanie, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
March 5th, 1919: Führer, MG-Kompanie, Freiwilligen-Bataillon, 4. Thüringisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 72;
May 1919: MG-Kompanie, V. Landesjäger-Abteilung, Freiwilligen-Landesjäger-Korps (Reichswehr-Brigade 16);
October 1st, 1919: Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 32;
April 10th, 1920: Kompanieführer, 2. MG-Kompanie, Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 32;
May 1920: Reichswehr-Brigade 16;
September 27th, 1920: Chef, 8. MG-Kompanie, 12. Infanterie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1927: Adjutant, Kommandantur Truppenübungsplatz Altengrabow;
April 1st, 1931: Führer, III. (Preussisches) Bataillon, 12. Infanterie-Reigment;
April 1st, 1934: Kommandeur, III. (Preussisches) Bataillon, 12. Infanterie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1934: Kommandeur, III. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment Glogau;
October 15th, 1935; Kommandeur, III. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 54;
October 12th, 1937: Kommandeur, Infanterie-Regiment 64;
February 6th, 1940: Kommandeur, Infanterie-Regiment 503;
December 10th, 1940: Kommandeur, Infanterie-Regiment 254;
December 15th, 1940: Führerreserve OKH;
February 20th, 1941: General z.b.V. IV;
March 1st, 1944: Führerreserve OKH;
April 26th, 1944: Heeresgruppe Mitte;
June 14th, 1944: m.d.F.b. 292. Infanterie-Division;
September 11th, 1944: Kommandeur, 23. Infanterie-Division;
May1945 - October 8th, 1955: Soviet POW.
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