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Laak, ter, Johannes Hermanus Arnoldus Maria

Date of birth:
May 23rd, 1913 (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
Date of death:
September 7th, 1944 (KZ Mauthausen, Austria)
Buried on:
Memorial and Grave Victims Englandspiel


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Sergeant der Militaire Politie
Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), Imperial General Staff, War Office, British Government
Awarded on:
December 14th, 1949
Awarded for:
Operation Contact Holland
For having distinguished himself by courageous and tactful actions in combat against the enemy, after having been parachuted into the Netherlands in early October 1941 as one of the first agents, occuyping himself continuously with forwarding military intelligence to England under the most trying circumstances and with limited means at his disposal until early 1942, when he was arrested by the enemy and passing away after having been incarcerated in various prisons and concentration camps in Germany.

Royal decree no. 27 (posthumously awarded)
Bronzen Leeuw (BL)
