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Armitage, Brian Lindsay

Service number:
South African


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Second World War (1939-1945)
Transport Sergeant
1/2 South Africa Frontier Force Battalion, South African Army
Awarded on:
November 5th, 1942
"For most conspicuous gallantry, personal initiative, and rescourcefulness.
On the night of 31 Aug/1 Sep when Patrol HQ and the Inf. Pl. protecting the HQ were surprised by approx. 150 Germans, and a few minutes later surrounded and attacked by this numerically superior enemy force, it was Sgt. Armitage who observed the enemy, warned his HQ, and immediately brought his V.M.G. into action, thus initiating an attack by our own troops.
In spite of a wound received during the first stages, he kept on firing until the V.M.G. was knocked out by enemy fire. With great presence of mind, Sgt. Armitage then returned to HQ, fetched the Armd Car there, and himself manning the V.M.G. pushed right in amongst the enemy in the face of heavy and concentrated L.M.G. fire at very short range. His action in moving up and down amonsgt the enemy n the Armd Car and keeping up sustained V.M.G. fire not only caused many enemy casualties, but so completely demoralised the Germans, and drove them into such disorder, as to allow the supporting Inf. Pl. to reorganise and re-establish themselves, completely restoring the position.
Through his unfailing courage, and without thought of selfsacrifice, Sgt. Armitage was instrumental in capturing 14 German prisoners, inflicting numerous casualties, and compelling the enemy to withdraw, thus saving a desperate situation which might easily have developed into one embracing the loss of many of our own troops."
Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM)

