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Stumme, Georg

Date of birth:
July 29th, 1886 (Halberstadt/Saxony, Germany)
Date of death:
October 24th, 1942 (El Alamein, Egypt)


March 19th, 1906: Fahnenjunker;
November 17th, 1906: Fähnrich;
August 16th, 1907: Leutnant mit Pat. vom 14-2-1906;
October 8th, 1914: Oberleutnant;
October 18th, 1915: Hauptmann;
x?, 1920: umernannt zum Rittmeister;
May 1st, 1927: Major mit RDA vom 1-10-1926;
February 1st, 1931: Oberstleutnant;
August 1st, 1933: Oberst;
August 1st, 1936: Generalmajor (2);
April 20th, 1938: Generalleutnant mit Wirkung vom 1-4-1938;
June 1st, 1940: General der Kavallerie (6);
June 4th, 1941: General der Panzertruppe.

November 10th, 1938: Kdr. 2. leichten División;
October 18th, 1939: Kdr. 7. Pz.Div.;
January 26th, 1940: mdFb XXXX. Armeekorps;
June 1st, 1940: Kom.Gen. XXXX. Armeekorps
September 15th, 1940: Kom.Gen. XXXX. Armeekorps (mot.)
January 15th, 1942: erkrankt : Hypertone Herzkrankheit;
February 16th, 1942: Kom.Gen. XXXX. Armeekorps (mot.);
July 9th, 1942: Kom.Gen. XXXX. Pz.K.;
July 20th, 1942: Führer-Reserve;
September 15th, 1942: zur Verfügung der Panzerarmee Afrika gestellt;
September 20th, 1942: mdFb Panzerarmee Afrika;
October 1st, 1942: mdFb Deutsch-italienischen Panzerarmee.

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Second World War (1939-1945)
General der Kavallerie (Lieutenant-General of Cavalry)
Kommandierender General, XXXX. Armeekorps, Heer
Awarded on:
July 19th, 1940
The following wartime excerpt (dated 30.08.1940) describes why Stumme received the Knight’s Cross…

“General der Kavallerie Georg Stumme significantly contributed to the fall of Paris as a result of the exemplary conduct he displayed whilst directing the Vorausabteilungen of his Korps. A reconnaissance probe towards the Cher river that he personally prosecuted far ahead of the lead units of his Vorausabteilungen resulted in much important information being obtained. In addition to this, the General’s intervention at the Indre river (along with an escort consisting of an adjutant, an interpreter and two motorcyclists) led to the capitulation of the surprised garrison at the St. Cyran bridge. His example would continue to motivate his by-now heavily exhausted troops over the course of the subsequent days.”
Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes

