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Ouwerkerk, Bartholomeus Isaäk Matheus Wilhelmus

Date of birth:
June 18th, 1907 (Deventer/Overijssel, Netherlands)
Date of death:
March 3rd, 1945 (The Hague/South Holland, Netherlands)
Luitenant ter zee der 2e klasse der K.M.R. in Rivierkanonneerboot Hr.Ms. Freyr


Lieutenant Commander of the 2nd Class Royal Navy

Ouwerkerk was employed by the KPM as a second mate. In the May days of 1940 he was commander of HNLMS. Freyer, a Royal Navy river gunboat stationed in Amsterdam. On May 14, the crew sank the Freyer on the IJ.
As a civilian, Ouwerkerk lost his life on March 3, 1945 during the bombing of The Hague.

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