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Execution Memorial "La Gernelle" Bouillon

In the woods around Bouillon, a monument can be found in honor of 3 resistance fighters who were shot there. On the road you will see a signpost, the monument is called La Gernelle.

Ici furent laughter
Assassins le 21-07-1944
Par la Gestapo
Sur ordre de Leon Degrelle
Trois purs patriotes
Priez dieu pour ces martyrs

An assassination attempt on Leon Degrelle during his visit to a German factory where Walloon workers work cannot be carried out. The resistance then focuses on his only brother: Edouard Degrelle. Edouard, head of the Rexists, Bouillon section, was assassinated on July 8, 1944 around 5:00 pm in his office by 4 resistance fighters. Edouard provided a lot of propaganda for the Nazis. The Gestapo arrests 46 people and takes them to Arlon prison.

Leon Degrelle is satisfied with these arrests, but wants additional reprisals. René Pierlot, Louis and his brother Henri Bodart are arrested. René Pierlot, a fervent fighter of Rexism, is the brother of a minister in exile in London. Louis was once a good friend of father Degrelle in the Catholic party in Bouillon. However, when father Degrelle turned his back on the Catholic party to propagate his son's ideas, Louis broke off the relationship and began campaigning against Rexism. He thus became the enemy of the Degrelle family. His brother Henri was a municipal official and administratively opposed the occupier. Among other things, he provided the resistance with forged papers.

These three were almost certainly executed on the orders of Leon Degrelle, although he continued to deny this after the war.

Freely translated from "La Gestapo devant ses juges en Belgique" by Céline Préaux.

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