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Fortified Position of Liège - Fort de Fléron

This fort was built between 1888 and 1890 and was part of the Fortified Position of Liège. The fortress was bombed heavily in the First and the Second World War.
The fort has been buried under a park and is surrounded by a neighbourhood of social housing.

This fort cannot be visited.

The only access to the fort is still through the the bunker under the ventilation tower.

Only a few remains of the fort are visible. This is the bunker at the tip of the triangular fort. This was a two-story bunker, the upper part, which is still visible. In this part there were 4 gun rooms for machineguns and searchlights. In the lower part also 4 rooms for machineguns, the latrines and the emergency exit. The firing direction was not to the outside ! but to the inside of the fort to defend the long tank trench that ran to the two sides of the triangular fort.

Also still partially visible is part of the turret of salient 3. This turret was equipped with a 75 mm cannon and is located in the eastern corner of the fort.

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge en Ed lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski (1, 2), Luc van Waeyenberge (3, 4, 5)

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