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Historical Museum December 1944

The "December 1944" museum accurately recounts these tragical events and offers to the visitors a chance to see one of the most important collection in Europe. It shows in a lively manner, through 17 dioramas, vehicles, armoured tanks, canons, 85 dummies all equipped with original material, generals, thousands of badges, weapons and knives, belt buckles, caps and helmets, posters, newspapers and an impressive quantity of material found for the most part in La Gleize. From a military point of view, unpublished photos, maps, scale models, documents and period films explain the operations.

Besides, the King Tiger and the Goliath tanks, the 120 mm mortar, the anti-tank canon "Pak 37", the 75 mm airborne canon, two wax heads of Generals Ridgway and Gavin, the personal map holder of J. Peiper, scale models and combat maps, pieces of airplanes, pictures of the region at that time, the films taken in Stoumont-La Gleize during the fighting and many other objects found on the battlefields, all these make the museum an authentical place where, like the veterans say: "we still can smell gun powder"...

This museum was renovated in 2013.

For current visiting hours, please visit the website of the museum.

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