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Cycling Route Death Valley De Peel - Dorpsstraat 106, Residence of Resistance hero Maurits Hertzberger (#13)

Dorpsstraat 106, residence of resistance hero Maurits Hertzberger
During the Second World War, the Jewish Maurits Hertzberger lives with his Catholic wife and children at 106 Dorpsstraat in Stiphout.

Maurits Hertzberger was born in Eindhoven on August 6, 1907 as the sixth child of textile merchant Nathan Hertzberger (1869) and his wife Carolien van Boelen (1874). On May 18, 1934, Maurits Hertzberger married Helmondse Jet van Dijk. They are going to live in Stiphout at Helmondseweg 179d, now Dorpsstraat 106. Maurits Hertzberger has a home improvement business. Because of his many contacts he knows many addresses in the Peel and he knows who is reliable.

After the invasion of the Germans on May 10, 1940, Maurits urges his mother, brother Sally and sister Rosina to go into hiding, but they do not see the danger and prefer to stay in Eindhoven, where they are arrested and deported in 1942. Maurice slowly rolls into the resistance. The house at Dorpsstraat 106 serves as a transit house for Jewish people in hiding, especially children, on their way to hiding places in the Peel.

In 1943, the Hertzberger family included the Jewish four-year-old toddler Lex Kater in their family. Lex Kater is one of the many children saved by Maurits Hertzberger from death.

Maurits Hertzberger dies after an eventful life on February 19, 1982 in Stiphout.

Dorpsstraat 103
The impact is the result of acts of war between the warring parties. Early on Friday, September 22, 1944, parts of the 11th Armored Division advance from Gerwen. The 8th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade combs through the wooded area. Gerwen and Stiphout were liberated in the afternoon of Friday, September 22, 1944.

The bicycle route in Helmond is a collaboration between Death Valley De Peel of the Museum Klok & Peel, Heemkundekring Helmont, Stichting Helmond September 25, 1944 and The route consists of a number of points, not all of which have a sign.

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Jeroen Koppes (1), Martin Damen (2, 3, 4), Death Valley De Peel (5)