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War Memorial 1st Ardennes Hunter Regiment

This memorial in memory of the fallen of the 1st Ardennes Hunter Regiment is located 700 m from the village along the Route de Fauvillers, au hameau de Traquebois.

On May 10, 1940, a confrontation occurred between the 1st Ardennes Hunter Regiment, 5th Company, and the German vanguard of a column of the 1st Armored Division. During this heavy fighting, the 5th Company was quickly reduced to two platoons and Commander Bricart, head of the 5th Company, was killed. After a courageous resistance that lasted all day, the 5th Company had to give up and 11 people were killed and 24 were injured.

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  • Text: Marie-Christine Vinck
  • Photos: Marie-Christine Vinck

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