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Kochbunker 'Korterbosch 1' Montferland

Kochbunker Korterbosch 1 in the Bergherbos (municipality of Montferland).
The bunkers were part of the Beek-Riegel, a German line from the last phase of the Second World War.
The Kochbunker consists of a basic shape of a lid in various variants with a tube underneath. The cover with a hole for a piece of optics (Ø 30 cm) is of a type that occurs more often on the western edge of the Montferland moraine (Bergherbos). This has been registered at five locations.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Martin Hanskamp
  • "Archeologische waardering van Duitse Kochbunkers in het Bergherbos, gemeente Montferland" (2018), M. Reinders/Greenhouse Advies