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Bunker L1 Lanaye

Along the road up the hill is this bunker L1 (Lanaye 1), which served to protect the bridge at Lanaye. Not the bridge that is there now. The old bridge has been replaced. The bunker was partially built into the hillside.

The bunker was equipped with a 47mm antitank gun. In this case, a field gun. The cannon was fixed inside in two recesses in the cement. The cannon could be brought out through the larger door (than in other bunkers) in case of emergency to shoot at other positions.

For proximity defense, the bunker was equipped with a grenadegully near the door. Through a hatch on the inside, a handgrenade could be dropped outside to repel an attack. The bunker did not have an emergency exit !

The round hole right above the door was where the telephoneline entered the bunker.

he bunker is somewhat soiled inside. There are 2 old carseats, which were later set on fire.
Normally the lines between the bunkers and the forts were laid at a depth of 2 meters. Only at the forts themselves they were 6 meters deep. This was done as a precaution for the expected bombing of the forts with heavy artillery. At this depth they would be less vulnerable.

It is unclear why the telephonelline here was constructed in a separate conduit, and thus much more vulnerable to enemy fire, in this way.

The damage to the exterior is direct war damage from the fighting in May 1940.

The bunker is somewhat soiled inside. There are 2 old car seats, which were later set on fire.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Fedor de Vries
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski
  • La Position Fortifiée de Liège, Coenen en Vernier.