The war memorial in Boussu commemorates the military and civilian casualties of the First World War. The memorial also commemorates French soldiers who fell in the First World War.
Text on the monument (translation): "GLORY – PEACE – HONOR"
Belgian soldiers
AMAND Jules, BAGUET Antoine, BERIOT Charles, BISIAU Ferdinand, CORNU Eugène, DEBOSSCHER Ed, DELCROIX Léon, DELOR Joseph, DENIS Achille, DESCAMPS Georges, DESCAMPS Jules, DUBREUCQ Émilien, ESTIEVENART Georges, FLAMME Hypolite, FONTAINE Lievin, FORIEZ Joseph, GENAIN Clement , GLINEUR Arthur, HANNECART Émile, JOUVENEAU Louis, LEGAT Jules, MARIN Augustin, MERCIER Jules, NOTTEGHEM Joseph, QUENON Rene, RAVERT Georges, ROLAND Adolphe, SAUSSEZ Jules, SEMOULIN Jean Baptiste, SOLBREUX Fernand, THIEBAUT Prosper, TILLOT Jules, VILAIN Victorien, WAIENGNIER Emile, WASTIEL Ernest, WASTIEL Fernand.
Belgian deportees
AMAND Auguste, ANCIAU Arthur, BELENGER Jules, BELENGER Louis, BIDART Auguste, CARLIER Jean, Baptiste, CHANTRAINE Jules, COQUEREAU Maurice, DE HAM Victor, DEMOUSTIER Charles, DUBREUCQ Henri, DUBREUCQ Louis, FINET Jules, HARMEGNIES Charles, HONORE Arnould, JUVENT Jean Baptiste, LARBOUILLAT Jules, LOUIS Auguste, SCHMITS Paulin, TRIGALLEZ Auguste
French soldiers
DANIEL Clovis, DUTREY Pierre, LAURENT Léonce, PARSY Oscar, PREVOST Arthur, ROGER Alfred
The memorial plaque at the bottom commemorates the victims of the Second World War.
Text on the plate (translation) : "TO ALL WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES SO THAT WE MAY LIVE IN FREEDOM 1940-1945"
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