This bunker is bloc P. It is the entrance to the fort in times of war.
The bunker was equipped with two turrets of Type F.M.
F.M. here means Fusile-Mitrailleur and indicates that the turret was equipped with this type of machine gun of French manufacture. These turrets had armor of 20 cm of cast steel. They weighed 16 tons each. In addition, this bunker was equipped with a retractable ventilation shaft as seen at bloc P of fortress of Tanrcémont. After the was this installation has been sold as scrapmetal. (photo 5). The bunker was connected to the fortress underground by the tunnel system.
The two bunkers, including the tank barrier, are strikingly similar. This is not illogical considering that they were built at the same time as 2 of the 4 newest forts of La Position Fortifiée de Liège, PFL. The only difference is that the block P at Fort Tancremont was equipped with only one turret.
Furthermore, the bunker was equipped with a Fusile-Mitrailleur guarding the entrance to the lattice fence. Also once beyond the lattice fence is another artillery opening with machine gun that had to chase away intruders. Here, by the way, is also a statue of St. Barabara, the patron saint of artillerymen, among others. Photo 3.
Both turrets were removed after the war and sold as scrap metal. See Photo 4. Although bloc P had been under considerable fire, the turrets had come out of the battle unscathed. Unlike the turrets at the fortress of Eben-Emael, which were all knocked out by hollow charges. As an example, see the turret on Casemate Maastricht 2 which was disabled with a hollow charge of 50 kg. By placing a hollow charge on the outside, the tremendous heat (nearly 3,000 degrees) caused the weapon to converge at a point, where it squeezes a hole through the steel, causing the explosive force inside the turret to destroy everything in its path.
Or on the turret at machine gun bunker Mi North.
On the nearby tank wall, as on bloc P, damage from the May 1940 battle is still visible.
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