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War Memorial Froitzheim

Next to the church of Froitzheim stands this memorial that commemorates the following victims who fell during both World Wars.

First World War:
Becker, Theodor
Boich, Heinrich
Braun, Heinrich
Braun, Josef
Heinen, Heinrich
Kessenich, Hubert
Kreitz, Josef
Merzenich, Leonh.
Neumann, Josef
Ockerath, Arthur
Schröteler, Matth.
Tollmann, Arnold
Valder, Alderich
Valder, Josef
Valder, Theodor
Weber, Matthias
Winter, Peter

Second World War:
Bohlem, Jakob
Boich, Wilhelm
Botz, Willi
Brings, Johann
Elsig, Peter
Geuenich, Fritz
Harzheim, Hubert
Kessenich, Willi
Klassen, Peter
Krabbel, Josef
Kronenberg, Bernh.
Kronenberg, Peter
Meisseler, Peter
Müller, Peter
Rudolf, Josef
Salentin, Peter
Schäfer, Wilhelm
Schick, Math.
Stollenwerk, August
Valder, Hubert
Valder, Wilhelm
Winter, Franz Jos.

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  • Text: Joost Verheijden
  • Photos: Joost Verheijden