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Jewish Memorial Bollendorf

Near the St.Michael church and the cemetery hang 2 Jewish memorial plaques:

" In memory of the Jewish fellow citizens of Bollendorf.
From the year 1848 a Jewish community formed in Bollendorf with a synagogue and a Jewish cemetery.
In the First World War 1914-1918, 9 Jewish soldiers from this community died for the emperor and the fatherland.
From 1938 to 1943, the Nazi dictatorship violently ended the lives of the Jews in the Bollendorf community with expulsion and death.
Remember these dead with reverence. "

The second plate reads:
"In commemoration of the Jewish believers of Bollendorf who were murdered by the National Socialists in the years 1937-1945."

Below that, the names are listed per family, with place and date of birth and place and date of death.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Marie-Christine Vinck
  • Photos: Marie-Christine Vinck

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