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Memorial Stele at the "Gertrudenhof"

In the Warendorfer Straße, near the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring, there is a metal stela with a memorial plaque for the deported inhabitants of Münster and Münsterland.
The stela was inaugurated on June 23, 1992 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the deportations that took place in December 1941.
At that place the restaurant "Gertrudenhof" stood:

"The Jewish Victims of the Holocaust 1941-1945.
It was here that the Holocaust, the systematic deportation and extermination of the Jews by the National Socialist rulers in Germany, first took concrete shape for Münster and the Münsterland.
In the days before December 13, 1941, 403 Jewish men, women and children, 105 of them from Munster, were brought together in degrading conditions in the hall of the Gertrudenhof restaurant.
On the night of December 13, they were transferred to boxcars. The convoy left around 10 am, four days later the transport ended in the Riga ghetto.

Subsequent deportations took place on January 27, 1942 to Riga, on March 31, 1942 to Warsaw and on July 31, 1942 to Theresienstadt.
Of the 299 people deported to camps from Münster, only 24 survived. "

Source: Münster City Archives - Commemorations after 1945

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Marie-Christine Vinck
  • Photos: Marie-Christine Vinck

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