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Wurmstein Quarry near Flossenbürg Concentration Camp

At this quarry about a kilometre from concentration camp Flossenbürg, prisoners of the Nazis had to perform forced labour for Deutschen Erd- und Steinwerke (DEST). The granite extracted was destined for prestigious construction projects in Berlin and Munich, among other places, and for military infrastructure, such as weapons factories. From 1942, aircraft parts were also produced at this site for aircraft manufacturer Messerschmitt. Working conditions in the quarry and in the factory were poor and many prisoners died from exhaustion and poor treatment.

From 1948, the buildings on the site were used by Germans expelled from Bohemia and Silesia. Many of the buildings, including the camp barracks, were demolished after their departure. Nevertheless, several original structures from the Nazi period still remain, although most are in poor condition. Part of the quarry is still in operation until 2024. After that, the site will receive protected status as a memorial site. Tours of the site are organised regularly and the museum in the former camp has an exhibition dedicated to the quarry.

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Koos Winkelman

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