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Memorials GPR and 8th Parachute Battalion

Two memorials north of Tilshead village overlooking the fields that were the site of a huge military tented camp during both World Wars.

"This stone is given by the people of Tilshead to
commemorate the formation of the Glider Pilot Regiment
which had its first home at this camp in February .
The regiment remained here until moving to Fargo camp,
Larkhill in September 1943
it disbanded on 1st September 1957 and a new Army Air Corps
was formed the same day.
'Nothing is Impossible'"

"This stone is placed by the people of Tilshead
in memory of the 8th (Midland Counties) Battalion
The Parachute Regiment.
The Battalion was formed in 1942 and was stationed
here until 1946 before moving to Palestine where it
was disbanded in 1948 in amalgamation.
the battalion took part in the following operations:
D Day 6 June 1944
The Battle of the Bulge (Ardennes) 1944
The Rhine Crossing 1945

'Utrinque Paratus'"

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  • Text: Sharky Ward
  • Photos: Anthony (Sharky) Ward

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51.23655, -1.94949