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Fortified Position Liège - Bunker MeA 3 Herstal

Bunker MeA 3 is part of the 4th line of defence for the City of Liège (la Position Fortifiée de Liège, PFL 4).

The bunkers is located at one of the bridgepillars of the former bridger from Herstal to Wandre across the river Meuse. The bridge is demolished but the pillar and bunker remained. Allthough the bunkers is full with graffiti it seems to be in good shape.

To the north the new bridge form Herstal to Wandre was built (see photo's 2 and 5).

The bunkers has two gunopenings, presumably for machineguns. The bunker seems a bit small to contain the standard 47mm anti-tank cannon.

The opening at the side of the bunker (photo 3) is the emergency exit. It used to be closed, but now it's open.

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski