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Humberghaus in Hamminkeln-Dingden
The Jewish Humberg family lived in the Humberghaus at Hohe Straße 1 in Hamminkeln-Dingden until 1941, and they also ran a butcher's shop there. The Humberg family - like millions of other Jews - fell victim to systematic discrimination, persecution and murder by the National Socialists. Four siblings were murdered, three were able to emigrate to Canada with their families and survived the nationalists' racial madness.
The Dingden local history association took care of the history of the house and its former residents and remembers the Jewish past in Dingden. The club members have collected countless exhibits so far, some of which were sent to Germany by descendants from Canada for the exhibition.
The "Historical Site Humberghaus Dingden" with its historical furnishings, furniture and photographs has been open to the public since 2012. A Jewish star is incorporated into the paving stones of the sidewalk in front of the entrance door. The old, whitewashed house with green shutters is open on Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Admission is free. Just a few meters from the Humberghaus is the Dingden homestead in a former stable building belonging to the Humberg family. The year of construction is estimated at 1690, making it probably the oldest house in the village.

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