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Information Sign The Deadly Woods

Along the B1 footpath just past the crossing of the Route de Grundhof, an information board recalls the fighting that took place at this spot at the beginning of the Ardennes Offensive.

This area was defended by the 60th Armoured Infantry Battalion that belonged to the 9th US Armored Division. In the early morning of 16 December 1944, they faced a massive German surprise attack by German Volksgrenadiers that was preceded by heavy artillery and rocket fire. They tried to defend their sectors against this overwhelming force and at the cost of heavy losses as best they could.

For their actions between 16 and 22 December 1944, the unit received "The Presidential Citation" for their extraordinary bravery during military operations against an armed enemy.

During that period, the battalion suffered the following losses:
24 killed
61 wounded
137 missing or taken prisoner of war

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Frank Jacobs

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