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Memorial Fraiture

The village of Fraiture has a memorial for six fellow villagers who died during World War II.

The couple DEJARDIN Henri, age 45, and GALDEROUX Mariëtte, age 38, died from the impact of a V1 on January 13th, 1945. They are still missing, and were never recovered.

ROUMANS Richard, age 7, died from a German bombing raid in 1940.

LAPORT George, age 46, Lieutenant, he was arrested by the Germans in 1942 and deported to concentrationcamp Dachau where he died in February 1945.

MARTIN Edmond*, 23, member of the resistance in the Armée Secrèt (A.S.). He was shot by the Germans. Martin left a wife and infant daughter.

WILLEM Louis, 47, member of the resistance at the Front de l'Indépendance (F.I.). He was executed by the Germans on September 8th, 1944.

*Martin is also remembered on this monument at Fraiture.

(The 4th and 5th photograph of a V1 are taken at fort Eben-Emael (B) at May 3rd 2023.)

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski
  • www://

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