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Memorial Jean Menez

A Place Jean Ménez in Morgat (inauguration on June 27, 2014) at the instigation of the Mayor of Crozon Daniel Moysan who wrote a book in 2007 (Mémoires de captivité 1943-1945) retracing the journey of 476 days of terrible captivity of the young baker of 20 years having failed with 18 other "rebellious" to rally England and the free French forces.

An act of courage for some, an act of extremely serious disobedience for the German occupying authority which in 1943 saw the war inexorably slip away from it. It is not yet a defeat but the year 1943 constitutes the year of the most intense repression against all acts of resistance which continue to increase.

The young man will follow a path that so many others have followed, 90 days in prison in Pontaniou - resistance prison in Brest, time necessary for repressive administrative decisions then departure for Compiègne, the prisoner sorting center before leaving for Germany. Concentration camps open doors to inhumanity that the most resistant, no pun intended, and the most lucky or fraternal will manage to leave alive. Buchenwald, Flossenbürg, Hraditsko then final journey to the gas chambers of Mauthausen. Czech resistance fighters stop the train and free the death row prisoners, including Jean Ménez.

Perhaps we will be able to explain, one day, why a train travels in Germany on May 11 towards a death camp while the Second World War officially ends in Europe on May 8, 1945 at 11:01 p.m. (German time), this the day after the unconditional capitulation of Nazi Germany, signed on May 7 in Reims. A desire for extermination seems to explain the inexplicable.

Misschien kunnen we ooit verklaren waarom een ​​trein op 11 mei in Duitsland richting een vernietigingskamp rijdt, terwijl de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Europa officieel eindigt op 8 mei 1945 om 23.01 uur (Duitse tijd). dag na de onvoorwaardelijke capitulatie van nazi-Duitsland, ondertekend op 7 mei in Reims. Een verlangen naar uitroeiing lijkt het onverklaarbare te verklaren.

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  • Text: Johan Tjallingii
  • Photos: Johan Tjallingii

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