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Memorial Deportation Jewish Children Ecole Rollin

Memorial on the facade of École Rollin in memory of the Jewish students of this school who were deported to German extermination camps between 1942 and 1944.

"A la mémoire des enfants, élèves de cette école. Déportés de 1942 a 1944 parce qu'ils étaient nés Juifs, victimes innocentes de la barbarie nazie avec la complicité active du gouvernement de Vichy.
Ils furent exterminés dans les camps de la mort.
Ne les oubilions jamais. 11 janvier 2003"

translation "In memory of the children, students of this school. Deported from 1942 to 1944 because they were born Jews, innocent victims of Nazi barbarism with the active complicity of the Vichy government.
They were exterminated in the death camps.
Let we never forget. 11 January 2003".

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge
  • Photos: Luc Van Waeyenberge