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Memorial East Prussians Augsburg

The memorial to the East Prussians is located in the park near the Congress Hall.

On a boulder at the top are two coats of arms with the text below:
"Unforgettable homeland
East Prussia
West Prussia"
The memorial stone was placed in 1984 by the "expelled people" who were chased from their country.

After the Second World War, in which Germany was the big loser, the eastern provinces of Germany were annexed by Poland and the Soviet Union.
Ethnic cleansing of German-speaking minorities took place there between 1945 and 1949. Germans were also expelled in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe.
This resulted in many casualties, including due to hunger, exhaustion and disease. The violence of war also caused casualties, sometimes population transports were bombed or torpedoed. During their flight to the west and while awaiting deportation, many victims also died in the internment and labor camps.

The expelled people were referred to in Germany as "Heimatvertriebene" regardless of whether they had fled or been deported.

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  • Text: TracesOfWar
  • Photos: Wim Wouters

48.360218, 10.889128