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Destroyed False Turret Fort Eben-Emael

Fort Eben-Emael had 3 false turrets.

These three turrets were to make the enemy think that the fort was invincible, because of the many gun turrets. But in addition, they were also intended as a distraction from the real bunkers and turrets.

The turrets were not easy to hit from the air. A precision dive with a Stuka Ju-87 was needed to hit the turret. This may have required several attempts, causing the enemy to waste valuable time and ammunition.

This false turret north of the fort, was hit and "disabled."

One of the two other false turrets were located a short distance next to this one, and the other at observation bunker 01. The false turret that was near this bunker has been preserved and now lies in the field next to the fort's entrance. This one was not "disabled."

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski

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