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Fort Eben-Emael Bloc II

Bloc II is also the fort's emergency exit.

This bunker was equipped with a small and large observation turret and two 60 mm anti-tank guns, two machine guns and two searchlights.

Also, as indicated, this bunker was the fort's emergency exit. The bunker was equipped with a door. After this entrance, there were 3 more steel doors that had to be passed before one had access trough the bunker and to the fort. The exit was also used for guard patrols. Furthermore, the bunker defended the water trench and the north and west sides of the fort.

After the fort fell, for propaganda purposes, a few weeks later a film was shot, how the fort was captured. In this fake attack, a hollow charge was detonated on the north side of the bunker, which partially collapsing it (see photo 5).

The larger observation turret was destroyed with a 50-kg hollow charge during the attack on the fort on May 10th and 11th, 1940.

Remarkable is the damage to the 60 mm cannon as can be seen by bullet impacts and the distorted and damaged barrel. Also, the various shell impacts on the south side of the bunker are still clearly visible (see photo's 4 and 5)..

Do you have more information about this location? Inform us!


  • Text: Ed Lewandowski
  • Photos: Ed Lewandowski
  • La Position Fotifiée de Liège, Coenen & Vernier.

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