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Memorial Lieutenant Flying Officer Baudouin Carpentier de Changy

Baudouin Carpentier de Changy, born in Etterbeek (B) on 7 April 1931, died in Inkisi, Congo on 17 July 1960.
In June 1960 he was sent to Belgian Congo to fly on the armed Harvards. A few days after Congo's independence on 30 June 1960, riots broke out and Congolese soldiers began to mutiny.
On 17 July 1960, he was assigned to escort a helicopter that was evacuating some Europeans from Lukala (Congo). During this operation he was shot down with his Harvard H-210 near Inkisi in Congo. He survived the crash landing but was killed in his plane by Congolese soldiers. His body was thrown into the Inkisi River and Lt Baudouin Carpentier de Changy therefore has no known grave.
The only tangible memory of Lieutenant Baudouin Carpentier de Changy is a street name in Lasne and a memorial plaque on a chapel in Lasne.

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  • Text: Luc Van Waeyenberge
  • Photos: Luc Van Waeyenberge