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Memorial 3rd Regiment Ardennes Hunters

Translation of the text on the memorial:

"In glorious memory of
The Ardennes Hunters
Who fell at Chabrehez
On May 10, 1940.

Soldat Denis Joseph
Soldat Bastin Pierre
S/Lieut Cremer Jules
S/Lieut Gourmet Benjamin
Soldat Henrottin Gustave
Soldat Ruelle Emile"

The 3rd Company of the 1st Battalion of the 3rd Regiment of the Ardennes Hunters was responsible for the defense of the Chabrehez position on May 10, 1940. This naturally strong position was located directly in the path of the advance of the German 7th Armored Division under the command of Rommel on May 10, 1940.

Although the Ardennes Hunters only have the task of carrying out delaying actions, they enter the battle around 6 p.m. Due to the nature of the battle, the order to withdraw did not reach the defenders of Chabrehez. They held out for a long time, until around 9 p.m., and ultimately the vanguard of the German 7th Armored Division did not pass through Chabrehez until the next morning at 5.30 a.m. due to the confusion.

In the book "Het gevecht te Chabrehez" by Georges Hautecler, the author mentions that it is due to the defenders of Chabrehez that the Belgian "Groepering K" (the name of the Belgian defenders of the Ardennes under the command of General Keyaerts) managed to reach the Ourthestelling intact.

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  • Text: Barry van Veen
  • Photos: Barry van Veen
  • Het gevecht te Chabrehez, Georges Hautecler

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